Tuesday, December 30, 2008

le fantôme du chien (THE GHOST OF DOG)

mon dieu o_O
un chien ... un chien fantomatique o_O

Otaku dog

This dog loves Japan, in the cute schoolgirl kind of way. He barks "KAWAII!" every other second and he simply loves to go to cosplay conventions dressed as his all time idol Hello Kitty. He likes to remind kids that Hello Kitty has no mouth because she speaks from her heart.

WOUFF, imma snow dog

wouff wouff im a dog and i am in the snow
woot the snow owns im gonna catch a snowflake on my tongue (also in my ears, but this isn't on purpose, its actually kinda cold!!)

Monday, December 29, 2008

let my beagles go!!!!

these very austere doggs do a lot of things for their pleasant community like preside solemnly over little David's bar mitzvah, performing baby Michael's bris, and leading their peoples to freedom from oppression

they probably have a nice temple set up somewhere and just have the best service you could ask for as a hebrew doggy and you can just see the light of yahweh in their strong stoic eyes, the eyes that have persevered over persecution for millenia. these are strong and righteous dogs. these are faithful dogs. these are God's dogs.

a nonchalant dog

this dog is hangin out on a sidewalk wearing expensive sunglasses
This dog probably eats filet mignon more often than you eat meals that arent prepared in a microwave
a dog that is not necessarily highly cultured, but has an eye for quality in the things that matter to dogs

homeless dog!!

this is a dog of the streets. this dog has a look of caution in his eye, but also wisdom. this dog has learnt the harsh realities of life and he will teach them to you. he is a good dog.

SUGOI!!!!!!! PANDADOG!!!!!

nihao dog friends this is pandadog. he enjoys waving at passersby and lounging around eating bamboo shaped doggy treats! he also enjoys licking things with his purple tongue :) but i guess sometimes he gets sad and kind of sinks into the ground and that makes me sad PANDADOG BE HAPPY!!!! i love you pandadog you're so cute ;)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

every dog was kung fu fighting ^__~

this dog is all like "screw you, buddy!!", all kickin his dog pals face!
he looks pretty nonchalant, a true sign of a master

a sailin' dog's the dog i be

yo pals this dog is all sailin around the world seein the sights and protectin our maritime interests and servin' in the greatest military of the world and just bein a generally awesome dog

i wonder if he is happy in the mornings when he heads up to the deck and breathes in the salty ocean air and adjusts his cap to a rakish angle while gazing stoically towards the sunrise on the horizon? this dog is livin my dream i'm so jealous

im very proud of this dog and you should all be too, one doesnt have to wear a cape and tights to be a hero........... sometimes a jaunty lil cap will do

Saturday, December 27, 2008

these arent the doggies you're lookin for

yo this dog is all "man these arent even the doggs youre lookin for chief" and wavin his lil paws around and then suddenly getting all happy and sending the dudes to get beggin strips for him or some such doggy nonsense

this dog looks pretty frustrated and world-weary, i hope he doesn't fall to the dark side and bite the mailman again :(

a dog a plan a canal: pagoda

to build a pagoda, materials must be shipped to a specific location, often on a barge!
to get a barge inland, you must build a canal, and this takes years of planning
this dog loves pagodas, so he took the time to plan the construction of this magnificent building, mainly to live up to the famous palindrome "a dog a plan a canal, pagoda"

this dog has found a friend to share those lonely winter nights with :)
i'm so happy for this dog.. happy and envious!! have fun with your friend, doggy!!

lets drink some soda and play nintendogs

whats up dawg!! :)
dogs own
this dog is wearing a collar but it looks like he is wearing a chain lol

hero dog!

Hero Dog Tries To Help Wounded Dog

this dog is a hero. i think we all ought to observe a moment of silence in respect for this hero dog. someone should get him a medal too imo. god/dog bless that dog!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Dr. Dog

This dog is an academic, he has many books and grades papers all day.
His doctorate is in comparative literature, maybe he is helping the clever dog of posts past to get his masters by helping with his thesis :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

the coolest dog! :)

this dog is hell of sweet
he has a skateboard and sunglasses and a cool shirt
this dog is at the beach, a traditionally very cool place (not temperature-wise, the beach is quite hot!! :D)

dog is born!!!

all praise dog!!

christmas dog!!

a christmas dog for u on christmas. merry christmas from the dog blog crew!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

be cool!!! dogs, be cool!!!

aww yeah bein a dog, wearin some sunglasses, chillin in a Ford F-250!!
do these dogs wanna eat some ice cream?? hell yeah!!!
these dogs wanna open up a fire hydrant and hop around in some puddles!! wooooot

cool dog

this is a pretty cool dog. basically that's all there is. he's cool. he looks pretty forthcoming and genuine and he's probably just quite a pleasant dog to be around. hi there dog

Sunday, December 21, 2008

party pix photographer dog

this dog strikes me as a cool fellow but also kind of sleazy, like the photographer guys that run partypix websites full of photos of drunk girls with they boobies out and alternative guys with beards and heck of deep v-necks ala lastnightsparty/tehcobrasnake. in any case, i would like to party with this dog and i would blush and feign embarrassment if he took a picture of me (secretly i would be rly happy)

canine musical freestyle

canine. musical. freestyle.

look at the sheer joy and discipline here. this is absolutely amazing. what i think happens is they train the dog, they dance, the dog dances, everyone cheers. incredible. keep your eyes peeled for more updates on the exciting world of canine musical freestyle.

shiny dog

this dog is in a magical world~

Friday, December 19, 2008

it's snowing!

These dogs are out in the snow!
It snowed today!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

some dogs chillin in a field

the dog in front seems kind of serious, this photo reminds me of famous dog movie (also there was a cat) "Homeward Bound", a story about the loyalty of dogs.
In that movie the yellow dog was much more serious than the white one, this is also true in this photo!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

this dog has a party hat!

This dog may not look thrilled, but really it is just waiting in an anticipatory fashion for a cake or some treats! What a party animal! (literally, a dog is an animal, and this one has a party hat on!)

Dogs don't usually wear hats especially cardboard ones but this dog is braving this uncomfortable hat so that he can get some snacks!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a dog vs a robot

This dog is looking at a roomba ( a type of robot vacuum ) with suspicion
the dog is probably gonna attack the roomba, because no one cleans up the messes this dog makes!! what a tough dog

sad dog

here is a glum lookin dog with a converse shoe. dunno' why this dog is sad- lost the other shoe maybe? i would be bummed if i only had one shoe of a pair. drag.

hangover dog

it looks to me like this little fellow was partying maybe a bit too hard last night and now he's recovering. the glasses help keep harsh lights out of his sensitive eyes i think. i know what you're going through pal!

[clever dog #3] dog reading moon language

this is a clever dog reading some kind of book or magazine and it appears to be in a foreign language. what a smart dog!

dogs near some boots

These dogs are chillin near some dirty ol' boots.
Dogs can wear boots sometimes, but these boots are nearly as big as the dogs themselves, so I don't think the boots belong to the dogs.

travel dog

here is a dog who is traveling!
There are plenty of places to go in the world, and this dog wants to see some of them!

also, there is a new feature at DAT DOG BLOG that allows you to see where people are visiting from! wow, what innovation!

Monday, December 15, 2008

"hmmph" thought the dog

this dog is kind of like "what ever"
The dog is sitting on some cool steps and doesn't give a care!
ah, the life of a dog -_-;

a fascinated dog

this dog is intently focused on something, probably something hella cool.
this dog is probably gonna jump on whatever its lookin at, i hope it isn't a roomba D:

hype dog

This dog is wearing a brightly colored, and patterned scarf. Who is surprised he isn't wearin' limited edition dunks? LOL!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

nerdy dog

haha! i bet this dog just got done doing a whole bunch of actuarial tables or other complex accounting. he sure looks like a smart lil dog! or it could be a she, i guess, girl dogs are smart too :)

a chef and a dog chef

not like someone who cooks dogs (we can only hope this is the case, the photo does not tell us this)

this dog has a bright career in front of him as one of the few fully trained culinary dogs. the dogs friend here must be so proud

a dog delivering the mail!


Well check this out!

A dog driving a truck (or perhaps a trick?)
I would love to have my letters delivered by a dog, I wouldn't even care if they were a little late because dogs are easily distracted (fire hydrants, etc)

Dogs have traditionally posed a problem for postal workers but I like to think they're getting along better lately :P

a dog helping with the mail

dog cruisin

this dog got doggles/goggles on to protect his eyes while cruising around in his sweet ride. fashionable and functional, it looks like a good day for dogs.

party dog lol

this dog is getting his hypercolourz ready for new years already. i am jealous of his hat and his smile.

wacky artful tennis dog

this dog has been shot with a high quality camera!
you can tell because of the well focused "depth of field" effect, keeping the dog's face in crystal clear focus while the ground gets its blur on.

this dog is running around with a tennis ball and just having the nuttiest old time
his eyes seem to say "woooufff, im a dog, look at me i got a tennis ball, this owns a lot". ah, yes it does, dog, yes it does. :I

~Ca$h D0g~

man why is this dog all grumpy? he's got more dollars in his collar than i got in my bank account
i think maybe dogs don't understand currency, like how they don't really understand not to chew forks they find on the ground or why eating your own puke is kinda gross

Saturday, December 13, 2008

rastafarian dog

this dog here is one chill dog, w/ his dreadlocks and all. bet he's fun to hang out with on the weekends, all "arf, mon, arf" and stuff like that!

authentic dog

i feel like i know a bit about this dogs musical habits, like he used to listen to the postal service a looooot but he has since moved on and now he's into music that bangs and bumps a bunch. i would like to be a friend and companion to this dog i think. he's pretty chill

fattest dog

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha he so fat

did this dog take a bath?

this dog is all wrapped up in a towel.
dogs don't usually use towels (they prefer to shake themselves dry!)
I think maybe someone made this dog take a bath, and then wrapped them in the towel (dogs cant do that by themselves)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

safety dog

this dog is concerned about safety!
he is wearing yellow safety glasses, which is weird because they are usually for working with machines.

Dogs don't have opposable thumbs, so they can't use machines really! This is probably why the dog is at least protecting its eyes!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

fence dog

this dog is looking over a fence.

80s lazer dog

a retro dog from the '80s.
The '80s were a classic time of dogs, a time when every family had a golden retriever (cause of the dog on full house? we'll investigate >8] )

hungry dog

he is so hungry he isn't eating dog food, but rather spaghetti, a popular italian dish!
what wont dogs do??

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

rly quick dog

lmao this dog is moving at the speed of light! woosh! zoom! speed dog racer!


a dog who is an airplane as well, truly an innovative dog